Site Update

Site Update

Site Update

It’s been a few years since we last updated the look of the site, so we figured it was about time we put some lipstick on our pig in order to make it look a little better. Gone are the ugly tables, Times New Roman font, and some old content allowing the site to look more modern until we can get around to a bigger update (we’ll be ditching DivX in order to bring our videos to a larger audience!).

10 Years Later

10 Years Later

It’s been 10 whole years since we created Walskifilm! We’ve grown so much in the years since we started Bar Wars way back in 2002. Our technology has upgraded from only a VHS-C camcorder to DSLRs, lighting and audio equipment, and professional editing software.

Our following has grown from just our moms to many of our friends and even people we don’t know! We have the best fans in the world and we love you all. Thanks for sticking with us all this time. Here’s to many more years to come!

Sean and Steve

New Business Model

New Business Model

Over the past year we’ve been thinking over Walskifilm’s business model. We’ve determined that most people like streaming videos so we’ve decided to break our business into two sections: One for streaming and one for mailing videos. The streaming site will still be named Walskifilm Limited, but the mailing site will now be called Skifilm Limited. The two sites will carry different videos and will be considered completely separate. In addition, Skifilm will now produce video games. We here at Walskifilm and Skifilm appreciate your patronage and we hope that this decision won’t be one of the worst tech decisions there has ever been. For more information on the transition, click here.

The Knot Released

The Knot Released

We hope you haven’t missed us too much! Today Walskifilm released a new short entitled The Knot, directed by Sean Walter and starring Wes Peterson and Bryan Simcox. In this movie, A young man discovers why his friend has been acting a bit odd lately.



Well folks, the Internet had a good run, but we here at Walskifilm think it has run its course. With spam taking over everything from email to web ads, it’s just become too much. Therefore we will be shutting down our site effective today. You can purchase our movies on DVDs from now on (DVDs unfortunately cost money, so we will no longer be able to distribute our movies for free). Don’t fret, faithful Walskifilm fans! We will be as alive as ever without the Internet to distract us. If you wish to contact us, please do so in writing from now on. You can reach us at this address.

Steve and Sean